Female Coworker Flirting With Your Husband? How To Deal With It

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Female Coworker Flirting With Your Husband? How To Deal With It

It can be challenging when a female coworker is flirting with your husband.

First, you’d feel like your husband is why it’s happening.

But if you know and trust your beau, that shouldn’t be your first thought.

Some women will flirt with your husband just for the fun of it.

While some only want a man someone else has chosen because they feel it’s a sign he’s a good guy.

And they’re incapable of choosing a man for themselves.

And that’s why you must be smart when dealing with women flirting with your husband.

So this post will discuss how to deal with a female coworker flirting with your husband.

Let’s begin.

What to do when a female coworker is flirting with your husband

Dealing with a female coworker flirting with your husband can be hard.

And that’s because your husband would see her at work every day.

So your mind may play all sorts of scenarios and whatnot.

But girl, please take several breaths, and use wisdom when dealing with it.


1. Talk to your husband.

Female Coworker Flirting With Your Husband? How To Deal With It

Usually, when a coworker is flirting with your husband, he’s likely the last to know.

In his mind, she’s just being nice.

Or he’s being nice because he doesn’t want to create awkwardness with a coworker.

So bring to his attention that the coworker wants more than just work friendship.

Also, assure him that you believe and trust him to deal with it.

2. Don’t blame your hubby if a female coworker is flirting with him.

Yes, sometimes, it feels like your husband encouraged the flirting because he didn’t see the signs.

And that’s where you come in.

Educate him on what women do when we’re interested in a guy.

So the next time it happens, hubby will know exactly what the lady is trying to do.

Please don’t blame him.

3. Please don’t make her feel like she stands a chance.

Female Coworker Flirting With Your Husband? How To Deal With It

I know you wish you could go to your hubby’s workplace and give her a piece of your mind.

That looks good in movies.

But it can cost your hubby his job and image.

And also, make the flirting coworker feel she’s a threat to you, which might prompt her to up the ante.

Please don’t give her that.

4. Instead, let your man deal with the flirting female coworker

Please work with your husband and let him be the one to tell the flirting coworker to back off.

It shows a united front.

Maybe he can talk about you and your kids the next time she’s flirting with him and getting comfortable.

Most women that flirt with married men know they’re taken but pretend not to care.

It gives them some thrill.

But once the man says, “I’m married” she loses interest.

Because she was better off when she pretended he wasn’t married.

So your husband might have to remind her he’s married.

Or maybe tell her straight up that he’s not interested in what she’s doing.

And if she doesn’t back off, he can report her to HR.

Reporting her to HR may or may not work, depending on the workplace culture.

So your husband may have to continue saying no to her, hoping she stops one day.

And the flirting coworker will stop if she has any sense of self-respect.

Honestly, you’ll have to hope.

Because your husband can’t control what she does.

But he can control how he responds to her advances.

5. Keep a distance

Female Coworker Flirting With Your Husband? How To Deal With It

If she’s friends with your family, please keep a distance.

But if you have never had a rapport, continue living your life.

6. Trust your man

After such an incident, I know you’d have the urge to check your hubby’s phone for whatever.

Please don’t.

You trusted him to handle the situation, and he did.

So keep trusting him.

Please don’t make him feel like you don’t trust him.

7. Keep your relationship tight.

Female Coworker Flirting With Your Husband? How To Deal With It

Some women will flirt with your husband if they sense your bond is weak.

So keep your relationship alive.

Flirt with your man.

Do things to show you’re still very much attracted to him.

Make sure you communicate well and keep arguments minimal.

If things are great at home, the female coworker will know that flirting with your man is a lost cause.

Because your hubby would be looking forward to coming home to spend time with you (his favorite person in the world).

Signs a female coworker is flirting with your husband.

She compliments him in a weird manner

Female Coworker Flirting With Your Husband? How To Deal With It

A little compliment doesn’t hurt anyone.

But when it becomes excessive, you know there’s more to it.

Like if she says she loves how his butt looks in his pants.

Or she would love to see him sweaty without a shirt because of his muscle definition, etc.

Girl, she’s going all out and wants a taste of your man.

She acts as if she knows him a lot.

If a female coworker always acts like she knows your man more than you, chances are she’s flirting with him.

She would say anything to make you feel like they’re close.

You know, when she exaggerates a small thing your husband did and makes it look like he adores her.

When a coworker is flirting with your husband, she asks him for help

Female Coworker Flirting With Your Husband? How To Deal With It

A female coworker flirting with your husband would ask for his help with non-work-related things.

Maybe her sink broke, and she’s calling your beau to help her fix it.

She wants to enjoy your sexy handyman.

She worries he talks about you a lot.

Yes, most happily married people talk about their partners almost always.

And sometimes your friends may tease you for always bringing your husband into every gist.

That’s normal.

But a female worker bothered that your husband talks about you may have a motive.

She’d prefer he talks about her instead.

She offers her company and tries to help him.

Female Coworker Flirting With Your Husband? How To Deal With It

If a female coworker offers your hubby her company and tries to help outside work, she’s interested in him.

Say she texts him out of the blue, offering him solace and whatnot.

Or she was sounding all comforting, like she’s where he should be.

Do you know what I’m talking about?

When she acts like your husband needs someone like her and all that bull.

That’s a sign she wants your beau.

She tries to get you out of the way so she can be alone with him

If the female coworker is close to your family, she will find ways to have alone time with your beau.

Maybe she asks you to get her something so that she can stay with your man.

Or she prefers to help him whenever you’re all hanging out.

You know, she tries to get as much time alone as she can with him.

Signs your husband is flirting with a coworker

We discussed signs a coworker is flirting with your husband.

Now let’s talk about signs your husband is flirting with the coworker.

Because sometimes men enjoy the attention and begin to flirt with said coworker.

So here are signs he might be flirting with his coworker:

He talks about her a lot.

If your hubby is always talking about a particular coworker, it’s possible he’s flirting with her.

And you’d see his face light up when he talks about how funny or ice she is.

He makes excuses for her behavior

Another sign he’s flirting with his coworker is if he defends her behavior.

Sometimes men can’t tell when another woman is flirting with them.

But when you call it to their attention, they try to manage and stop the flirting.

However, if he reciprocates the flirting, he will continue acting aloof.

And he would defend her behavior as innocent.

He jumps to help her.

If he doesn’t hesitate to help her even at odd hours or things outside work, it’s a sign he’s flirting with her.

Also, he won’t see her requests as out of place.

He becomes too nice to you.

When a partner is cheating, he’s sometimes too nice.

Showering you with gifts and just acting strange.

Because he’s feeling guilty for cheating on you.

He’s always on his phone, especially at night.

Another common sign your partner is cheating with a coworker is when he’s always on his phone.

And mostly at night.

Conclusion on how to deal with a female colleague flirting with your hubby

So let’s agree that you can’t control the female coworker’s actions.

But you can control how you react to it.

So to recap:

  • Don’t blame your man or fight him about it. It’s hard, but you can do it.
  • Trust and believe him when he says he’s not interested in having anything with her.
  • Let him be the one to tell her he’s not interested in her.
  • Keep your distance from such a person.
  • Please don’t give her any clue that you’re bothered by her actions.
  • Focus on your marriage, and keep working to make it stronger.

Boom! That’s how to deal with a female coworker flirting with your husband.

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