Can A Relationship With A Younger Man Work, Or Doomed To Fail?

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Can A Relationship With A Younger Man Work, Or Doomed To Fail

Are you wondering if a relationship with a younger man can work?

As someone married to a man younger than me, I have nine years of experience.

So, in this post, I’ll share some tips to make your relationship with a younger man work.

Let’s begin.

Can a relationship with a younger man work?

I’ve seen mixed opinions since I shared my story on YouTube about marrying a man five years younger than me.

I got comments from people who married the same way I did.

And some ladies starting relationships with guys younger than them.

Then, some declare their dislike for relationships where the man is younger.

However, the ones that stood out were those who claimed the relationship would fail because the man was younger.

So, can a relationship with a younger man work?

The answer is it depends.

1. It depends on if you want to be together

For a relationship to work, both parties must want to be together.

Relationships don’t just fail because a man is younger.

If that’s why, then why do relationships where the man is older still fail?

Every relationship is different.

Some men will be older than their partners, and some will be younger.

But if you want to be together, you can make your relationship work.

Someone shared that he’s been married to his wife, who is several years older than him, for over 15 years.

Stories like that inform us that relationships where the woman is older have always been.

Maybe back then, people lied about it because society frowned against it.


2. It depends on if you choose each other, every day

When we stop choosing each other, our relationships can suffer.

So, to make your relationship with a younger man work, you must continue to choose each other.

And choosing each other doesn’t mean that they won’t annoy you.

They will because we’re all humans.

We see their flaws, but what we love about them surpasses all.

My husband, like many others out there, can be annoying.

But he’s a good man whom I love and respect.

And that’s why I choose him every day.

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3. It depends on how much external influence you allow in your relationship

Can A Relationship With A Younger Man Work, Or Doomed To Fail

Another thing that can make your relationship with a younger man work is how much external influence you allow.

Something I learned late in my dating life was keeping people out of my business.

Some of our friends or families have our best interests at heart.

But sometimes, they advise us based on their fears and experiences or their need for control.

So, reduce third-party opinions if you want your relationship with a younger man to work.

Imagine your friends are against you dating a man younger than you.

If there’s conflict, and you tell them, they’ll only focus on the fact it’s because he’s younger than you.

But any other man (one older than you) could have acted similarly in a relationship.

But they’re blinded by their bias.

4. It depends on how much you respect each other

I see social media posts where people ask how to respect a guy younger than you.

And I wonder why someone has to be older than us before we can respect them.

For your relationship with a younger man to work, you must respect him the way you do your friends.

You don’t have to bow to and worship him.

Just treat him the way you want to be treated.

So, please don’t put him down or call him a child when arguing.

Also, don’t tolerate such behaviors from friends.

Just respect him like you’d respect anyone you’re in a relationship with, whether older or younger.

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5. It also depends on how you communicate with each other

Can A Relationship With A Younger Man Work, Or Doomed To Fail

For any relationship to succeed, healthy communication is crucial.

If you need your partner to do something, communicate with them.

Or maybe you’re mad about something; talk about it.

Don’t ever think your partner can read your mind.

We can’t reach each other’s minds, so we talk.

If you don’t communicate your needs, your younger or older partner will not know what you need.

So don’t say one thing and mean something else.

What to read next

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Conclusion on whether a relationship with a younger man can work

So, can a relationship with a younger man work?

Yes, it depends on what we do or contribute to the connection.

Choosing each other, focusing on why you love them, respecting each other, and more.

Again, every relationship is different.

It’s okay if you’re uncomfortable connecting with a younger man.

But you might just be reducing your pool of potential partners.

Just saying.

Thanks for reading.

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