Am I His Priority? 11 Clear Signs You’re A Priority To Him

In the last post, we talked about how to be his priority.
We also said to ask yourself if you’re willing to make him your priority.
Because you don’t ask someone to make you important in their life while they’re just an option.
So, keep reading if you’ve made your man a priority but still wondering, “Am I his priority?”.
This post will show you 11 clear signs you’re a priority to him.
Let’s begin.
11 Signs you’re a priority to him.
If your man makes you a priority, you’ll know.
You’ll see and feel it in the way he treats you and deals with things that are important to you.
So below are some signs that tell he’s made you a priority:
1. He puts you first

If your man puts you first, it’s a clear sign you’re a priority to him.
He thinks about you and considers you when making decisions.
And he would ask you what you think about his decisions for the family or himself.
So better believe he would make you feel important because to him, you are.
But remember to put him first, too.
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2. A sign you’re a priority to him is when he tells you his plans
When your man tells you his plans for the future, it’s a sign you’re a priority to him.
Because men don’t tell just anyone about their dreams and aspirations.
They mostly talk to their close friends about it.
But once your guy starts telling you his short or long-term plans, you’re important to him.
3. He considers you when making plans.

Another sign that you’re his priority is that he considers you when making plans.
So, in addition to telling you his plans, he wants to ensure they don’t interfere with yours.
Make sure you’re doing the same for him.
4. A sign you’re a priority is if he makes sure you’re okay.
If your man always ensures you’re okay, you’re his priority.
He checks in on you, and he takes your welfare seriously.
5. He lets you know his whereabouts

When a guy doesn’t give AF about you, he won’t tell you his whereabouts.
But if a guy tells you his whereabouts, whether a day before going or even at the last minute, it’s a sign that you’re a priority to him.
He tells you where he is and doesn’t leave you in the dark.
And, of course, you’d know where to check in case of an emergency.
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6. He adjusts his schedule to make time for you
Another sign you’re a priority to him is that he makes time for you.
Remember, we’re not always busy; we have priorities.
So, no matter how busy your man is, if you’re his priority, he will adjust his schedule and fit you in.
But understand that sometimes it would be impossible for him to change his schedule for you.
And it doesn’t mean you are less important.
It just means that the project, job, or meeting is the priority right now.
7. He makes your goals his goals

While some would expect you to drop your goals and passions, a man who prioritizes you will make your goals his.
He would support you in many ways to help you achieve your goals.
Years back, I had a hat-making business alongside my 9 to 5 job.
And when I quit the 9 to 5, I became a full-time hat-maker working from home.
So my husband supported my business with money to buy enough materials for my work.
And because I had more materials, my market trips reduced drastically.
He made it easier for me to work and not worry too much about the lack of materials.
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8. He supports your goals? It’s a sign you’re a priority to him.
You know when you have goals but also have doubts?
Sometimes, all you need is someone who believes you can achieve them.
If your man supports and encourages you to go for it, you’re his priority.
I was scared when I started my first blog because I knew nothing about blogging.
But my husband was with me the whole time.
And whenever I want to give up, he reminds me of how far I’ve come.
Also, he has encouraged me to take breaks from blogging when it seems overwhelming.
He also supports me when I have to buy a course or something else to improve my blogging.
9. He looks forward to spending time with you

When a man prioritizes you, he looks forward to Netflix and chilling with you. Lol.
My husband and I watch TV in the evenings when the kids are in bed.
We have several shows that we must watch together.
The other time, I went to have dinner with my friends.
And it was the release of The House of Dragon show.
So my hubby called to ask when I was coming back so we could watch the show together.
He won’t watch it without me.
10. He’s willing to resolve issues and be on good terms with you
If your man prefers to work things out with you instead of staying mad, you’re a priority to him.
He loves it when you’re on good terms because he can’t stand not talking to you.
So sometimes, he would not sleep until you settle your issues.
Hehehe, that’s my husband sometimes.
But sometimes we went to bed angry and discussed the argument the next day.
But we hardly stay angry or do the silent treatment stuff.
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11. He enjoys regular intimacy with you

A man who prioritizes you enjoys time between the sheets with you.
He thinks you’re sexy and wants to make you feel sexy and loved.
Aside from what happens in the bedroom, he always wants to hold you close.
Please enjoy being intimate with him.
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Conclusion on signs you’re a priority to him
Some signs you’re a priority to him are:
- He puts you first
- Lets you in on his plans
- Considers you when making plans.
- Makes sure you’re okay.
- He tells you where he is.
- Adjusts his schedule to make time for you.
- He makes your goals his goals.
- He supports your goals.
- Looks forward to spending time with you.
- Willingness to resolve issues with you, and
- He enjoys closeness with you.
I hope you find this post helpful.
Thanks for reading.
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