
He’s Not Good For You If He Does These

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They're Not Good For You If They Do These Things

It’s easy to overlook red flags and dismiss your gut feelings in a relationship.

However, recognizing the signs that someone isn’t good for you is crucial for your emotional well-being and future happiness.

Here are signs that it’s time to reevaluate your relationship:

29 Signs He Might Not Be Good For You

1. He disrespects you:

Respect is the foundation of any healthy relationship.

If they consistently dismiss your opinions, belittle you, or make you feel inferior, it’s a major red flag.

2. They try to control you:

Do they dictate what you wear, who you can see, or what you can do?

Controlling behavior is a sign of insecurity and a lack of trust, which can be toxic over time.

A good partner respects your autonomy and trusts your judgment.

3. Dishonesty:

Trust is essential in a relationship.

If they lie about small things or keep secrets, it’s a sign that they may not be trustworthy.

4. Lack of communication:

Healthy communication is critical to resolving conflicts and understanding each other.

If he shuts down, avoids conversations, or refuses to address issues, it can lead to unresolved resentment.

Which is unhealthy in a relationship.

5. When he’s inconsistent:

Remember the saying, “Watch what they do, not what they say”?

When a partner is inconsistent, their actions won’t match their words.

If he frequently changes his mind about important matters, this can create instability and confusion in the relationship.

6. Overly jealous:

A little jealousy can be natural, but excessive jealousy signifies insecurity and possessiveness.

Which can lead to controlling behavior and isolation.

7. Isolating you from friends and family:

Another sign he’s not good for you is when he tries to isolate you from friends, family, and your support system.

That, again, is controlling behavior.

And it can get toxic.

8. Lack of support:

A good partner supports your dreams and goals.

If they dismiss your ambitions or don’t encourage you to pursue your passions, it can stifle your personal growth.

Also, discouraging you from pursuing your goals might come from jealousy and competition.

Which is unhealthy in any relationship.

9. Blame game:

Do they blame you or others for their problems?

That could be a sign of immaturity and refusing to grow.

And you don’t need that in your life.

10. Emotional manipulation:

Manipulative behavior, such as guilt-tripping, gaslighting, or playing the victim, is a form of emotional abuse.

And it can severely damage your self-esteem.

11. Lack of effort:

A healthy relationship requires effort from both parties.

If your partner consistently puts in minimal effort or takes you for granted, it’s a sign that they may not value the relationship.

12. Frequent outbursts of anger:

Frequent outbursts of anger or aggression, especially over minor issues, can be a sign of deeper emotional problems.

It is essential to feel safe and respected in your relationship.

13. Negative influence:

Do they encourage you to engage in harmful behaviors, such as substance abuse or neglecting your responsibilities?

That is a sign your partner might be a bad influence.

14. Different values:

Opposites can attract.

However, if two people have deeply different beliefs or goals in life, they can be unhappy and have problems in the long run.

An example of this is pushing a partner to abandon their religion and switch to ours.

Or having deep opposing political views that you can’t compromise on.

15. They criticize everything you do:

Constant criticism is a huge red flag.

If they’re always finding fault with your actions, appearance, or choices, it’s toxic.

You deserve someone who lifts you, not one who destroys your self-esteem.

16. They don’t defend you:

A partner who cares about you will advocate for you in front of friends, family, or strangers.

It shows a lack of support and loyalty if they don’t defend you when others are unfair or disrespectful.

You deserve better.

17. Focusing on your insecurities:

Pointing out your insecurities or using them against you is manipulative and cruel.

This behavior will make you feel inferior and dependent on their approval.

I was reading comments on Threads about gray hair.

Someone said she’s willing to embrace her gray hair, but her husband says it makes her look old.

And she also mentioned that it’s because of his insecurity about aging.

And because of that, she has to keep coloring her grays.

Don’t let anyone do that to you.

18. He never apologizes for his wrongs:

If your partner never acknowledges their mistakes, it shows a lack of accountability.

An inability to apologize means they’re unlikely to change their harmful behavior.

You deserve someone who can say “I’m sorry” and mean it.

19. Belittles you for fun:

Making jokes at your expense or belittling you in front of others is emotional abuse.

Such behavior can damage your self-worth and make you feel small.

I once dated someone who put me down for fun.

And when I get upset, he’ll say, “You’re so sensitive.”

We deserve to be with someone who respects us.

20. Never checks on you:

A caring partner checks on you, especially during tough times.

If they never ask how you’re doing or show concern for your well-being, this indicates a lack of genuine care.

You deserve someone who truly cares.

21. They never offer to help when you’re upset:

Emotional support is crucial in any relationship.

If they prefer to sleep while you’re upset instead of comforting you, it shows a lack of empathy and concern for your feelings.

You deserve someone who is there for you.

22. They’re never there for you:

Being present and available is fundamental in a supportive relationship.

If your partner consistently disappears when you need them, they do not prioritize your needs.

When I lost my dad, it was tough to deal with the grief.

Just when I was beginning to pick myself up, my then-boyfriend decided it was a good time to break up.

I know breakups happen.

But not when you need them the most.

You deserve someone who is genuinely there for you.

23. When he thinks his dreams are more important than yours:

A healthy relationship involves mutual support for each other’s aspirations.

If he always prioritizes his dreams over yours and dismisses your goals, it shows a lack of respect for your ambitions.

You deserve someone who values your dreams, too.

24. Ignores your boundaries:

Respecting boundaries is crucial in any relationship.

If they constantly ignore or violate your boundaries, it demonstrates a lack of respect and consideration for your comfort and well-being.

You deserve someone who honors your boundaries.

25. Gaslights you:

Gaslighting involves manipulating you into questioning your reality or sanity.

If they frequently deny your experiences or make you feel like you’re overreacting, it’s a form of emotional abuse.

You deserve someone who respects your feelings and experiences.

26. He shows no interest in your life:

If they show no interest in your hobbies, passions, or daily activities, this suggests a lack of investment in your relationship.

I saw a video where a lady said her ex wasn’t interested in her art hobby.

And they finally broke up when he said he thought she would quit.

Partners don’t have to quit their hobbies and invest wholly in ours.

But they should show some interest because it’s important to us.

27. Lack of empathy:

A lack of empathy is a significant red flag.

If they don’t understand or share your feelings, they will likely be unable to provide the emotional support you need.

You deserve someone who can empathize with you.

28. He won’t share chores:

Whether you live together or not, you need to know if your partner is willing to pull their weight regarding chores.

From the comments on my YouTube videos, it’s clear that many women are struggling with partners who refuse to help around the house.

Some guys even try to shame me for having a husband who does his fair share.

But honestly, that says more about them than it does about us.

If your partner isn’t willing to contribute, it can strain your relationshipโ€”unless you’re okay with that.

29. Your gut tells you:

Trust your gut.

Listening to your instincts is vital if something feels off or you feel uneasy constantly.

Your intuition often senses red flags that your heart may want to ignore.

Recognizing these signs can be difficult, especially when emotionally invested in the relationship.

But your well-being should always come first.

If you identify with any of these signs, it may be time to have a serious conversation with your partner or seek advice from a trusted friend or therapist.

You deserve to be in a relationship where you feel respected, supported, and genuinely happy.

Prioritize your well-being and know that you are worthy of love and respect.

Thanks for reading.

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